Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Southwest Trip - A day in the life . . . .

Tuesday, April 26, 21016

"Neighborhood" Bull

There is a neighborhood bull that roams through 
every few days and I saw him yesterday.   Mostly I see his dried droppings on the roads.  Ruby tells me not to attract attention since all that separates us is glass.  

We get to go off land to the store for supplies tomorrow!!! 
Did a lot of kitchen prep today w/Indygo.  She is letting me stay at her place until her GF arrives on Friday.  They have running water!  Then I'll be on my own in a new place where I'll have to schlep water.  And I just emptied and cleaned the "shitter pail" from our adobe which was quite a lovely experience.    

Also saw my first scorpion today which I disturbed when I carelessly picked up a rock without thinking.  It's a little one, tan, almost cute, but Indygo said it's tail is up and can still do some damage. I'm not about to pick it up.

Later, Ruby tells us about the resident fire ants, black widows, and some other delightful creature of nature.  She talks about a woman at her old land who sat on a poop can without paying attention and got bit on the butt by a spider.   I'm instructed to grab a stick and wipe away any webs under the rim before hand.  If I see a web, I'm not sitting, thank you, and am newly wary when I'm at Windsong using the outdoor can!   I wonder if Ruby enjoys sharing the things to watch out for.

My work hours will be met tomorrow . . . .

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