Everyone has brought pot-luck, of course, and because there was mention that I like an occasional Margarita, Cheri brings me one, part of the last minute need-to-gets. The OLP slideshow that Jen made for the graduates is playing on Anne's TV in the background as we gather with hugs and hellos. Food moves to plates, people mill and sit.
I reach for a reading of Gratitude that I have brought. It is a compilation from my blog and from my Independent Project. There are many who have supported me in specific ways over this last year and earlier and I have mentioned them by name. There are others who may not be named but are appreciated in my life just the same. I feel surrounded by caring and appreciation.
Then DJ Anne kicks on the tunes. We get home around 2 so sleeping-in is in order for the morning. We head out to Shelburne Falls for Cheri's birthday brunch and show the city girls the Glacial Pot Holes.
In my thoughts about how to spend this money, I know a tent could give me the a sense of self sufficiency, survival. Hey, I could live in a tent for a while and work on those back-packing and camping skills. Then again, a kayak would allow me to hone my paddling skills which I'm afraid of losing if I don't have a way to paddle over the Anne, Char, Cheri, Georgia, Me
summer. If I don't try to find a kayak now when I have this gift, I may not get one. It's interesting to witness the dilemma of suddenly having rather than not having.
Then the celebration is over. Or is it? Maybe I need to find ways to keep the joy and sense of accomplishment fresh. That could help me as I navigate the "what's next?" phase of this path in my life. I have had small bouts of antsy anxiety with this change in purpose and direction. I need to figure out the new path so that I can keep a forward movement toward new purpose. Trust. . . .
It has to turn out better than the formatting of pictures in this blog!
"Forget your perfect offering. . . . "
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