Arrived a few minutes late this morning because I had the brilliant idea of trying to change up my systems so I wouldn't be hauling so much. Seemed like a good idea. It wasn't. But I did finally use my Petzl carabiner to hold my water bottle to the boat decking.
Jen drove the van today and put in at a different location, technically in Montague. We had to carry for a distance. Coquette got stuck in the mud and it pulled her shoes off. Did a lot of talking about currents, wind, and white caps in combination with constriction. We planned for how we would cross in the bumpy conditions and how important it is to keep the pod together in anything other than calm water because the conditions can pull the group apart in seconds. Beth explained the importance of stopping your group even in tough conditions so that you can keep them grouped up. Mark will count this as especially important in his evaluation of us on the coastal kayaking trip in Maine.
We crossed finally and then went further up toward a beach where Beth could beach herself to take video of us crossing her path with various strokes. We watched and critiqued in the afternoon. I had a good momentum going but since we were supposed to be modeling strokes as though we were teaching an intro course, I should have been slower. My turn was also sloppy and I know now that I should be doing fewer strokes but longer sweeps that will truly impact the turn as I lean into the turn. Torso rotation is okay but could be improved if I push on the foot brace as I stroke.
Aaron took pictures of me trying to get in and out of my dry suit again. They were somewhat disappointed in that the show was shorter today. Coquette suggested putting powder in the gasket and it may have helped some. Still a trick getting out and I needed help.
Monday and Tuesday my group will be doing Kayaking again but this time with Zoar Outdoor. We have two days "off" and then expedition planning on Friday. The off days are to be used for job search and continued prep for certifications including more field presentations.
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